what can you use around the house for sex toys

1. Introduction

This article will discuss the use of household objects as sex toys, including the benefits, common objects used, safety tips, cleaning and storage information, alternatives, and resources for further information. Sex toys are any device or object used to enhance sexual pleasure or satisfaction during masturbation or sexual activity with a partner. They can be made from a variety of materials such as glass, plastic, silicone and metal. While there is an ever-increasing range of sex toys available on the market today, many people prefer to use items they already have in their home as makeshift sex toys.

2. What are Sex Toys?

A sex toy is any device or object that is used to enhance sexual pleasure or satisfaction during masturbation or sexual activity with a partner. They can be made from a variety of materials such as glass, plastic, silicone and metal. They come in all shapes and sizes from vibrators to dildos to anal beads and more. Sex toys are becoming increasingly popular among couples looking for new ways to spice up their relationship and explore new forms of pleasure together.

3. Benefits of Using Household Objects as Sex Toys

Using household objects as sex toys has some distinct advantages over using traditional sex toys purchased from stores or online retailers. First off, it’s often much cheaper than buying dedicated sex toys – you can get creative with items you already have around your house without spending extra money on something specifically designed for sexual pleasure. Secondly, it’s often much easier to find household items that fit your body shape than traditional sex toys which can be too large or small for certain individuals depending on their size and shape. Finally, it’s much more discreet if you don’t want other people knowing what you’re up to – who would guess that your hairbrush was actually a makeshift dildo?

4. Common Household Objects to Use as Sex Toys

There are many common household objects that can be used as makeshift sex toys depending on what you have lying around the house! Here are some ideas:

• Hairbrush handle: This is great for clitoral stimulation when rubbed against the clitoris in a circular motion – just make sure it’s clean before use!

• Electric toothbrush: The vibrations from an electric toothbrush can create intense sensations when used on sensitive areas like the nipples and clitoris.

• Pillow: Placing a pillow between your legs while masturbating or having penetrative sex can provide extra stimulation due to its firmness and texture against your skin.

• Towel: Rolling up a towel into a tube shape then inserting it into your vagina while masturbating provides extra sensation due to its tightness around your vaginal walls – just make sure it’s clean first!

• Ice cubes: Ice cubes provide intense sensations when rubbed against sensitive areas like nipples and genitals – just make sure not to leave them in too long!

• Fruit/vegetables: Fruits such as bananas (with the skin removed) and vegetables like cucumbers (with the skin removed) can provide pleasurable sensations when inserted into the vagina – again make sure they are washed first!

• Scarves/ties/stockings: These soft fabrics provide extra stimulating sensations when wrapped around erogenous zones like nipples or genitals – just make sure not to tie them too tightly!

5. Safety Tips for Using Household Objects as Sex Toys

When using household objects as makeshift sex toys there are some important safety tips you should keep in mind:

• Always wash whatever object you plan on using before use with warm soapy water (or even better use an antibacterial spray). This will help ensure that any bacteria present won’t cause any infections inside your body if inserted into any sensitive areas!

• Be aware of sharp edges on any object you plan on inserting into yourself – if there are any sharp edges present then either cover them with tape/cling wrap before use OR find another object!

• Don’t leave anything inside yourself for too long – this could cause discomfort or even worse an infection if left in there for too long! If something does become stuck inside then seek medical advice immediately!

6 How To Clean And Store Household Objects Used As Sex Toys

Once you have finished using any household objects used as makeshift sex toys it is important that they are cleaned properly before storing away again until next time! Here are some tips for cleaning and storing these items safely:

• Cleaning – Wash whatever item you have been using with warm soapy water (or better yet an antibacterial spray) before storing away again until next time – this will help ensure that no bacteria remain which could potentially cause infections if re-used without being cleaned properly first!

• Storing – Make sure that whatever item(s) you have been using is stored away safely somewhere where children cannot access them – this could include somewhere high up such as at the back of cupboards/wardrobes etc… Alternatively keep them stored away in sealed bags/containers which cannot easily be opened by little hands! Also remember to store these items separately from other ‘regular’ household items so that nobody accidentally picks one up thinking it is something else (such as a hairbrush etc…) This will help ensure everyone’s safety & privacy whilst also helping avoid potential embarrassment should anyone stumble across these items by mistake!

7 Alternatives To Household Objects For Sex Toys

If after reading this article you decide that using household objects isn’t right for you then there are plenty of other options available out there which may suit your needs better than homemade alternatives – these include dedicated sex toy stores both online & offline; adult stores; lingerie shops; adult websites; specialist boutiques etc… All of these places offer a wide range of products designed specifically for sexual pleasure & satisfaction so be sure to check out what’s available before making any decisions about what type of product(s) may work best for YOU & YOUR PARTNER(S). Remember everyone’s needs & preferences vary so take some time exploring different options until something feels right & comfortable for both parties involved 🙂 . . . . . . . . . . . ..

8 Conclusion

In conclusion we hope this article has provided useful information about how one might go about using household objects as makeshift sex toys safely & effectively – however please remember everyone’s needs & preferences vary so take some time exploring different options until something feels right & comfortable for both parties involved 🙂 Lastly always remember safety comes first so don’t forget those all-important cleaning & storage steps outlined earlier in order to stay safe & healthy whilst enjoying all kinds of intimate playtime fun 😉

9 Resources/References

https://www.healthline.com/health/sex-and-relationships/sex-toys#safety https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/love-sex/sex/a30657093/homemade-sex-toys/?slide=1 https://www.webmd.com/sexual-conditions/features/safe-use-of-home-made-sex-toys#1