how to clean metal sex toys

How to Clean Metal Sex Toys

1. Introduction

Metal sex toys are becoming increasingly popular due to their durability and ease of use. However, it is important to keep them clean and hygienic in order to prevent the spread of infection and bacteria. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to clean metal sex toys, as well as tips and tricks on keeping them in good condition.

2. Why Clean Metal Sex Toys?

Cleaning your metal sex toys regularly is an important part of maintaining their hygiene and preventing the spread of bacteria or infections. Even if you are the only one using your toy, it is still important to clean it after every use as bacteria can build up over time. Additionally, cleaning your metal sex toy before and after each use can help keep it in good condition for longer.

3. What Supplies Do You Need to Clean Metal Sex Toys?

The supplies you need for cleaning your metal sex toy depend on what type of material the toy is made from, but generally speaking you will need some mild soap (such as dish soap) or an antibacterial cleaner, a soft cloth or brush, warm water, and a towel for drying off the toy afterwards.

4. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Metal Sex Toys

The first step in cleaning your metal sex toy is to make sure that it is turned off and unplugged before beginning the process. Next, fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild soap or an antibacterial cleaner into the water. Submerge the metal sex toy into the soapy water for a few minutes before taking it out and wiping it down with a soft cloth or brush. Make sure that all areas of the toy are cleaned thoroughly before rinsing off with warm water and drying off with a towel.

5. What Not To Do When Cleaning Metal Sex Toys

When cleaning your metal sex toy there are some things that you should avoid doing in order to maintain its condition:
• Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials when cleaning as this could damage the surface of the toy;
• Avoid submerging electronic components such as vibrators into water;
• Avoid using boiling water or extreme temperatures when cleaning;
• Avoid storing wet toys away without drying them first;

6 Conclusion

Cleaning your metal sex toys regularly is an important part of maintaining their hygiene and preventing any infections or bacteria from spreading between users or over time. Following these steps will ensure that your metal sex toys stay clean and hygienic while also helping them last longer too!

7 FAQs

Q: Can I use boiling water when cleaning my metal sex toys?
A: No, boiling water should be avoided when cleaning any type of sex toy as this can damage its surface or even cause it to melt if made from certain materials such as plastic or silicone.

Q: Can I use alcohol wipes when cleaning my metal sex toys?
A: Yes, alcohol wipes can be used but make sure they are not too abrasive otherwise this could damage the surface of the toy too!

Q: Can I store my wet metal sex toys away without drying them first?
A: No, storing wet toys away without drying them first can lead to bacterial growth which could then be transferred onto other users during future uses so always make sure that you dry off any wet toys before storing them away!

8 Tips & Tricks

• Always check what material your metal sex toy is made from before attempting to clean it; some materials may require special care such as avoiding extreme temperatures when cleaning;

• If possible try not to submerge electronic components such as vibrators into water; instead wipe these down with an antibacterial wipe instead;

• After washing your metal sex toy make sure that you dry it off thoroughly before putting away again; this will help prevent bacterial growth from occurring inside storage containers;

• If possible try not store wet/damp items together with other items inside storage containers/bags so that bacterial growth does not occur between different items;

• Make sure that all parts of the metal sex toy have been thoroughly cleaned before putting away again – paying extra attention around crevices/joints where dirt/bacteria may have built up over time!

9 Resources

• How To Properly Clean Your Sex Toys – Healthline (
• How To Clean Your Sex Toys – Women’s Health ( • How To Keep Your Sex Toys Safe And Hygienic – Cosmopolitan (