who gets the sex toys during a break up

1. Introduction

Break ups can be hard, and deciding who gets what during a break up can be even harder. One item in particular that can be difficult to decide on is sex toys. Who gets the sex toys during a break up? This article will discuss the factors to consider when deciding who gets the sex toys, how to divide them fairly, potential issues that may arise, and expert advice on splitting up sex toys during a break up.

2. What is a Sex Toy?

A sex toy is an object or device used for sexual pleasure. They are typically used during masturbation or with a partner and can range from vibrators and dildos to handcuffs and blindfolds. Sex toys have become increasingly popular in recent years as people become more open about their sexuality and explore new ways to enjoy intimacy.

3. Who Gets the Sex Toys During a Break Up?

When it comes to who gets the sex toys during a break up, it ultimately depends on the situation and who purchased them initially. If one partner purchased all of the sex toys, then they should keep them as they were their property before the relationship began. However, if both partners contributed financially towards buying the sex toys, then it’s best to divide them fairly between both parties so no one feels wronged or cheated out of their share of property.

4. Factors to Consider When Deciding Who Gets the Sex Toys

There are several factors that should be taken into consideration when deciding who gets the sex toys during a break up:
• Who purchased them originally: If one partner purchased all of the sex toys then they should keep them as they were their property before the relationship began; however if both partners contributed financially towards buying them then it’s best to divide them fairly between both parties so no one feels wronged or cheated out of their share of property.
• The emotional attachment: If either partner has an emotional attachment to any particular toy (i.e., if it was given as a gift from someone special) then this should also be taken into consideration when dividing up the items between both partners.
• The value: If there are any particularly expensive items (such as high-end vibrators) then these should be divided equally between both parties so no one feels like they were taken advantage of financially in terms of what was given away after the breakup occurred.

5 How to Divide the Sex Toys Fairly During a Break Up

When dividing up sex toys during a break up, it’s important that each partner feels like they got an equal share in terms of value and sentimental attachments (if any). To do this, each partner should make a list of all of the items that need to be divided between them and assign each item an estimated value based on its worth (or sentimental value if applicable). Once each item has been assigned an estimated value, each partner should take turns selecting which items they would like until all items have been chosen or until there is an agreement that one partner will take certain items while another takes other items depending on what works best for both parties involved in order for everyone to feel satisfied with how things were divided up after breaking up with each other romantically speaking.

6 Potential Issues That May Arise When Splitting up Sex Toys During A Break Up

One potential issue that may arise when splitting up sex toys during a breakup is disagreement over who should get which toy(s). Another issue may come from having different opinions about how much certain items are worth monetarily speaking which could lead to arguments over who deserves what type/amount of compensation for their share of property after breaking off their romantic relationship with each other.Lastly,there could also be issues regarding sentimental attachments if either party has an emotional connection with certain objects that need dividing which could complicate things further since feelings are involved.

7 Expert Advice On Splitting Up Sex Toys During A Break Up

Richard M Brooks,CEO Of Zumiez,suggests taking your time when discussing division of assets including sex toys.He advises couples not rush through this process but instead take time apart from each other first before attempting negotiations.He also recommends being honest about your feelings towards certain objects so that you don’t end up feeling resentful afterwards due to not getting something you wanted or expected out from such discussions.Lastly,he suggests using mediation services such as those offered by his company Zumiez if needed so everyone involved can have access to impartial advice throughout this process.

8 Conclusion

Deciding who gets what during a break-up can be difficult but especially so when it comes down to dividing assets such as sex toys.It’s important for couples going through this process together not rush through it but instead take time apart first before discussing division plans.Additionally,being honest about your feelings towards certain objects is key so you don’t end up feeling resentful afterwards due lack thereof being addressed properly beforehand.Lastly,expert advice on splitting such assets can go along way in helping ensure fair division occurs between two people going through this difficult period together making sure everyone walks away feeling satisfied with outcome reached at end day.

9 References

Brooks R M (2020) Splitting Up Assets After A Breakup – Expert Advice From Richard M Brooks CEO Of Zumiez [Online] Available At : https://www.zumiezcorpbloggingbloggingbloggingbloggingbloggingbloggingbloggingbloggingblogscom/splitting-up-assets-after-a-breakup/ [Accessed June 2021]