what is the age restriction for buying sex toys in new zealand

1. Introduction

The sale and purchase of sex toys in New Zealand is governed by a set of laws and regulations. While the age restriction for buying sex toys may vary from one jurisdiction to another, there are certain guidelines that must be followed in New Zealand. In this article, we will discuss the age restriction for buying sex toys in New Zealand as well as the legalities surrounding such purchases.

2. What is the Age Restriction for Buying Sex Toys in New Zealand?

In New Zealand, the legal age limit for purchasing sex toys is 18 years old. This means that any person under 18 years of age is prohibited from purchasing any kind of sex toy or adult novelty item. This applies to both online and offline purchases, and anyone found to be selling such items to minors can face serious legal consequences.

3. The Legalities of Sex Toy Purchases

The law states that it is illegal for any person to sell or supply a sex toy to someone who is under 18 years of age, regardless of whether they are aware that the recipient is a minor or not. It is also illegal for an adult to purchase a sex toy on behalf of someone who is under 18 years old. It should be noted that there are some exceptions to this rule, such as when it comes to educational materials related to sexual health and wellbeing or when a parent or guardian provides consent for their child aged 16-17 years old to purchase a specific type of sex toy or adult novelty item with their own money.

4. The Impact of Age Restrictions on Consumers

Age restrictions on purchasing sex toys can have a significant impact on consumers, particularly those who are under 18 years old but wish to buy such items legally and safely without breaking the law. As such, it is important that retailers take extra care when selling these products, ensuring they adhere strictly to the relevant laws and regulations regarding age restrictions on sales and purchases.

5. Are There Any Exceptions to the Age Restriction?

Yes – there are some exceptions where an individual aged 16-17 may purchase a specific type of sex toy or adult novelty item with their own money provided they have parental consent from either one parent or both parents (depending on which state/region they live in). Additionally, educational materials related to sexual health and wellbeing may be sold without an age restriction provided they are not used for any other purpose than education purposes only (e.g., teaching about contraception).

6. How Can Consumers Ensure They Follow the Law?

Consumers should always ensure they follow all relevant laws and regulations when purchasing any kind of sex toy or adult novelty item in New Zealand – regardless of their age – by asking questions about the retailer’s policies regarding sales/purchases before making any kind of transaction (online or offline). Additionally, retailers should ensure they adhere strictly to all applicable laws regarding age restrictions on sales/purchases by verifying each customer’s identity before completing any transaction involving these types of products – particularly if they suspect that the customer may be underage (under 18 years old).

7 Conclusion

In conclusion, it is important for consumers in New Zealand – regardless of their age –to understand what the legal restrictions are when it comes to buying sex toys in order to avoid breaking any laws unintentionally. Retailers should also familiarise themselves with all applicable laws regarding sales/purchases involving these types of products so as not risk facing serious legal consequences due to non-compliance with relevant regulations regarding age restrictions on sales/purchases involving these types of products in New Zealand.

8 Sources & References

Department Of Internal Affairs: https://www.dia.govt.nz/Services-Sex-Toys-and-Adult-Novelties#agerestrictions
New Zealand Law Commission: https://www.lawcommission.govt.nz/publications/publicationdetail?id=2041
Law Foundation: https://www.lawfoundationnzltrustsorg/resources/guidance-for-retailers-selling-sex-toys