how to store and hide sex toys

1. Introduction

The use of sex toys has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people are exploring their sexuality and looking for new ways to spice up their sex lives. While these toys can be a great way to add some excitement to the bedroom, it’s important to remember that they should be stored and hidden away properly. This article will discuss the importance of properly storing and hiding sex toys, as well as provide tips on how to do so in a discreet manner. It will also cover considerations to take into account when selecting storage containers for your sex toys.

2. Benefits of Storing and Hiding Sex Toys

Storing and hiding your sex toys is important for several reasons. First, it ensures that they are kept out of sight of children and other family members who may not be comfortable with them being out in the open. It also helps you avoid any embarrassing or awkward moments if someone unexpectedly walks into your bedroom or bathroom while you’re using them. Finally, proper storage can help keep your sex toys in good condition by protecting them from dust, dirt, and other debris that could damage them over time.

3. Tips for Storing and Hiding Sex Toys

When it comes to storing and hiding your sex toys, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind:
• Choose an area in your home that is out of sight from visitors or guests – If you don’t want anyone to know about your collection of sex toys, make sure to store them somewhere that won’t draw attention from others who come into your home. Consider keeping them locked away in a drawer or closet if necessary.
• Make sure the area is secure – If you choose an area like a drawer or closet for storing your sex toys, make sure it is secure so that children or pets cannot access it accidentally. You may want to invest in a lockable box for extra security if necessary.
• Keep all pieces together – Make sure all pieces (including batteries) are kept together when not in use so that they don’t get lost or misplaced over time.

4. Considerations When Storing and Hiding Sex Toys

When selecting storage containers for your sex toys there are several factors to consider:
• Material – The material used for the container should be non-porous so that bacteria cannot grow on the surface over time (which could lead to health risks). Silicone or stainless steel containers work best for this purpose as they can easily be cleaned between uses without any worry about bacteria growth.
• Size – Make sure the size of the container fits all pieces comfortably without having too much extra space (which could lead to items getting lost).
• Discreetness – Choose a container that looks like any other item you would have around the house such as a jewelry box or decorative storage bin so that it doesn’t draw attention from visitors or guests who may come into your home unannounced.

5 Different Ways To Store And Hide Sex Toys

There are many different ways you can store and hide your sex toys depending on what works best for you:
• Underneath furniture – Place small items such as vibrators underneath furniture such as beds or couches where they won’t be seen unless someone is specifically looking for them
• In drawers/closets – Keep larger items such as dildos inside drawers or closets where they won’t be visible during everyday activities
• In bags/boxes – Store items inside discreet bags or boxes such as jewelry boxes which can then be placed inside drawers/closets where they won’t attract attention

6.Choosing The Right Storage Containers For Your Sex Toys

When choosing storage containers for your sex toys there are several factors to consider: • Material – The material used should be non-porous so bacteria cannot grow on the surface over time (which could lead to health risks). Silicone or stainless steel containers work best for this purpose as they can easily be cleaned between uses without any worry about bacteria growth • Size – Make sure the size of the container fits all pieces comfortably without having too much extra space (which could lead to items getting lost) • Discreetness – Choose a container that looks like any other item you would have around the house such as a jewelry box or decorative storage bin so that it doesn’t draw attention from visitors or guests who may come into your home unannounced

7.Keeping Your Sex Toys Clean And Safe

In order to keep your sex toys clean and safe, there are several steps you should take: • Clean before each use – Before using any toy make sure it has been properly cleaned with warm water and soap before inserting anything into yourself • Use condoms – When using larger items such as dildos always make sure to use condoms on them before insertion • Don’t share – Never share any toy with anyone else even if both people have been tested recently; this increases risk of infection • Avoid extreme temperatures – Don’t leave any toy exposed directly sunlight which can cause damage over time • Store properly – Always make sure all pieces including batteries are stored together safely when not in use; this will help ensure each piece stays clean between uses


Storing and hiding sex toys is essential if you want them out of sight from children, family members, and unexpected visitors alike! By following these tips on how best store these items safely away from prying eyes while still keeping them accessible when needed will ensure everyone involved remains comfortable at all times! With proper care and maintenance these products can last many years providing hours upon hours of pleasure!